Interlibrary Loan : If material you need is not available at the Carnegie, we can borrow it from another library for you!
Copy Machine : Available for public use;
- $.25 per page for black and white
- $.50 per page for color.
Fax Services : Available for public use; Incoming and out-going fax services.
- $1.00 a page both for incoming and outgoing faxes
Public-use Computers and Internet Access :
- Touch Screen Laptops are available for public use
- Free Internet access including online resource
Public-use Machines
- Kurzwell Reader: This machine reads printed material to patrons
- Public-use Clearview+ : This Machine magnifies printed materials for patrons
- Public-use Microfilm Machine: This unit lets patrons read records on Microfiche and Microfilm : E-books and Audiobooks are available to “check-out” for two weeks and download to your Kindle, Tablet, Phone or Computer.
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